The Molecular Breakdown
The core of Styrex’s innovation lies in its ability to perform a molecular breakdown of polystyrene. Through advanced nano-biotechnology, Styrex disassembles the long polymer chains of polystyrene at a molecular level, effectively reducing it to a basic resin form.
This meticulous breakdown ensures that the polystyrene is completely transformed, eliminating the risk of residual microplastics that can further contaminate the environment.
The molecular breakdown process not only addresses the immediate issue of waste but also paves the way for converting the material into a useful energy source, embodying the principles of a circular economy.

The Technology and Chemistry
100% organic process to reform EPS from expanded state to resin state.

Mechanically reforms polysterine hydrocarbon chains.

Mechanically reforms polysterine hydrocarbon chains.
Stryex is effective on all EPS densities