of Fuel Saved This Year

of Carbon Saved This Year


From January 1st 2023, new EEXI and CII regulations in the maritime industry have seen a drive by owners and operators to accelerate their emissions savings. Big Industry is working hard to develop new technologies, new fuels and new solutions for cutting CO2 first, but with a long term view on other emissions and GHG’s. But what about today? How are you planning to meet emissions reduction targets?

Cut consumption, eliminate CO2 production on fuel saved and reduce GHG and particulate production by changing the efficiency of the fuel. No engine upgrade, new technology, additional cost or difficult implementation required. With Re4mx Fueloil it’s as simple as dropping our unique fuel reformer into your existing HFO, LSFO, VLSFO or up to B30 Biodiesel fuel, allowing a minimum of 12hrs contact time and BOOM. More power released from the same fuel, resulting in a cleaner and more efficient burn.

Fuelre4m Re4mx Fueloil. The #netzerocost. Always. Solution to meeting your EEXI goals, without changing a thing in your operation.

Our guarantee:

  • Zero additional cost.
  • Zero equipment upgrade.
  • Compliant with all fuel regulations.
  • Approved for use by all OEM’s.

For more information, to find out how other vessels are already benefitting from improved fuel performance and a no obligation quotation, please contact us.