of Fuel Saved This Year

of Carbon Saved This Year



As the shipping industry moves increasing loads and cargos globally, the focus is shifting to sustainability beyond CO2. The drive is on for new emissions capturing technologies, more efficient fuels, and ship digitalization to really understand what improvements can be made for the environment, and for profitability. At Fulere4m, we know the answer to efficiency today starts with improving the quality of the fuels used today. Read more to discover how we’re changing fossil fuels to burn leaner, greener and cleaner.

Truck, Bus and Fleet

Understanding fuel consumption in fleets is a complex measure of ever changing statistics and conditions. From loads, trip length, speed, rpm, driver style and a whole host of other variables, we create a labyrinth of dependencies, false data and difficult to measure metrics. Yet there is a massive difference between measuring fuel efficiency and the efficiency of the fuel. Re4mx by Fuelre4m changes the combustibility of fuel in the fuel tank. No fuss, no retrofit, no upgrade, just better performing fuel. How do we measure it? Right off the OBD. Find out how Re4mx is increasing the power of your fuel while cutting costs, reducing emissions and boosting performance. For the same power, less fuel. For the same fuel, more power. #netzerocost. Always

Quarrying & Mining

Mining is essential for the world’s energy transition and our re4mx fuel conditioning technology is helping enable the sustainable mine of the future. By unlocking and utilizing lost energy that is usually wasted and responsible for producing nothing but harmful GHG emissions, Fuelre4m improves the efficiency of your operation, driving development, digitalization, and improving mechanical performance, all of which increases productivity and profitability and improves safety and sustainability.

Power Generation

Fuel efficiency in power generation is a very simple equation. How much power can be produced from a gram of fuel.

While engine manufacturer’s focus on the fuel efficiency of the engine, at Fuelre4m, we understand the importance of the efficiency of the fuel. An engine can only convert what you’re putting into it to energy as best it can. With Re4mx fuel oil, we reformulate the fuel molecules to allow easier combustion and less waste before the fuel even gets to the engine. Find out how to produce more energy and fewer emissions from your fuel.

Ports & Docks

As the world moves ever greater cargos by sea, the task of making our Ports & Docks more efficient and sustainable is increasingly turning to digitalization. Port digitalization involves the adoption of digital technologies to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and competitiveness of ports, terminals, and pilot stations. But what about the efficiency of the fuel? Read on to find out how Fuelre4m is changing the environmental and profitability landscape by something as simple as making fuel more efficient. At #netzerocost